| Home | Skischool/Rental | 2019-08-19

Sunkid: A New Attraction at the SummerPark La Crusc

Visitors at the summer park in Alta Badia love the new wood ball track

SummerPark La Crusc in the Italian Dolomites has a comprehensive offering for children and adults alike. The round tour through the summer part covers a variety of stations, including a dragon's cage and water fountains. Leading past two cottages, it is almost always exposed to the sun. New attractions were added this year, including the tried-and-tested wood ball track by Sunkid.

On its way to the finish line, the wooden ball has to overcome a variety of obstacles, such as curves, bells or a labyrinth. Players will get their reward at the end of the extra-long and customised wood ball track, when they are allowed to take the ball home as a souvenir.

Sunkid's wood ball tracks are trendy and provide a perfect attraction for young guests as an interactive toy with a small footprint and great experience value. Since the balls can be bought from a vending machine, the toy is paid off quickly.

Fotocredits: Sunkid -Harald Kaneider

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