| Home | Ropeways | 2021-10-19

MND: Installation of two 4-seater chairlifts in China

The MND teams are currently working on the installation of two 4-seater chairlifts in Swan Lake resort in Zhangjiakou area, in China. Serving touristic activities opened all year round, linking ski slopes and easing mobility for all users, these new ropeways will contribute to developing the attractivity of this brand new alpine touristic resort.
This project will be completed soon with snowmaking systems and #leisure infrastructures to support Swan Lake all-season destination with 100% MadeintheAlps solutions 

In the context of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, MND is proud to support the development of skiing in China by designing, manufacturing, and commissioning new mountain infrastructures for the skiers and the athletes of tomorrow, as well as all-season visitors!

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