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CWSAA: July 2023 Newsletter Canada West Ski Areas Association

Message from the President

Over the past couple of weeks I have had the pleasure of meeting with many ski areas on their home turf.  These have included private family run operations and many volunteer run community ski areas.  In all cases, the dedication and passion to their ski areas and communities is inspiring.  I’ve shared a profile of each of the areas on the CWSAA Facebook if you would like to see the operations and meet these great people.  While travelling between these areas I had time to reflect on the breadth of our CWSAA membership.  When I joined CWSAA in my current role in 2016, I had the fortune of gaining counsel from legendary CEO Jimmie Spencer for a couple years before his passing, and indeed I continue to enjoy a glass of wine with his wife and CWSAA colleague Andy Spencer as our schedules allow.  Jimmie mentored generations of ski industry leadership and passed on many gems.  He was exceptionally passionate that CWSAA is to serve its members, and also to ensure we serve all members in every jurisdiction and size.  It is to the CWSAA Board’s credit that it actively supports these directives.

CWSAA aims to balance between time spent visiting areas, and time spent with our team executing the directives and deliverables of the organisation.  Out of the 92 ski areas in four provinces and a territory, CWSAA has been to almost all of them (we will get to Sima, Maichen, Moose, & Mystery), and, pandemic aside, tries to schedule an in-person visit every three years.  In conversation with CWSAA Chair Jason Paterson about how best to support community ski areas and CWSAA organisational objectives, he shared an observation of the culture of CWSAA.  While perhaps intangible, he said that interpersonal connections between people in our sector helps enable industry success.  He believed that the professional and social connections between CWSAA colleagues advance industry objectives through committee work and many other collaborative initiatives.  Without this collegial ethos, the industry would not be as it is.

It was an insightful thought from our Chair, and one that provides some colour and tangibility to the concept of culture that we cherish and ferociously protect as a ski areas association.   It was also timely following some of our recent committee outreach to Victoria, and meetings this week with operators in Banff, Edmonton and points in between in advance of outreach to new elected officials in Alberta.

I am also excited about recent people announcements at ski areas.  Belinda Trembath and Amy Blakeney have been appointed to the COO positions of Whistler Blackcomb and Sun Peaks Resort respectively, and CWSAA Director Kate Roddick has been promoted to Senior Director Base Area Operations at Whistler Blackcomb.  In recent weeks, Todd Muir and Matt Davies have assumed the GM roles at Sasquatch and Cypress Mountains.  At CWSAA events we have focused attention on succession planning and transfer of institutional and industry knowledge.  I am thrilled to see such opportunity and advancement, and am cognizant of the critical importance to retain talent and great people within our own ski sector.

Around the west, summer operations, capital projects, and maintenance in preparation for winter are the norm for operators.  However, CWSAA also knows and has offered its full support to those dealing with crises, including but not limited to wildfires.  Our thoughts and actions are with you.

- Christopher Nicolson

Fall Meeting Accommodations
Event Registration will open in August.  In the meantime Group Accommodation rates are now available to be booked. 

Canadian Lift Pass
Now on sale! It's not too late for ski areas to sign up. 

Heat Stress
Know the signs and steps for prevention. 

Industry Events
There are many upcoming Industry Events including: 
  • OITAF, June 14-20, 2024 in Vancouver
  • Mountain Technology Symposium, Sept 5-8 in Michigan

CWSAA AGM & Annual Report
The AGM is July 27 at 10am Pacific | 11am Mtn
The 2022-23 Annual Report has now been posted. 

Places & Faces 
Canyon Resort
Sasquatch Mountain
Kate Roddick

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